COVID-19, inflation and the Ukrainian war have all contributed to a volatile stock market in recent weeks. Volatility will continue as usual while one sector is experiencing profitability, another is declining, resulting in declining stock market valuations. For investors, the up and down performance creates market risk but is part of the underlying economic fundamentals of our U.S. stock market system:
Going green, recycling, buying local, and energy-efficient appliances likely come to mind first when you think about reducing your carbon footprint and investing in our planet. However, the way you bank and handle your money can also help the environment. Here are five easy ways to reduce your carbon footprint through your finances.
With the election over, you may be concerned about post-election volatility as we enter 2021. Regardless of politics, short-term stock market results can vary depending on factors, including gridlock in the House and Senate and a newly elected future President Biden, who will take office in January 2021.
The COVID-19 pandemic has shifted cybersecurity and identity theft into the spotlight for both businesses and individuals. With many people working from home, the need for internet security is at an all-time high.
There is no better time for financial goal setting than at the start of a new year. Financial goals allow you to create a plan, track your progress, and hold yourself accountable.
Before 2020 comes to an end, you may want to consider charitable giving deductions. December 1st is the National Day of Giving. It’s the perfect time to give back to charities and individuals you value. Not only can giving back allow you to feel good, giving back comes with a variety of financial and tax benefits.
Due to the pandemic and Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act, the 2021 tax season may look a bit different this year. By becoming familiar with certain deductions and rules, you may be able to potentially avoid costly mistakes. Here’s what you need to know for the unique 2021 tax season:
The new stimulus plan may have an impact on your finances. The American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 is a $1.9 trillion relief package is designed to help struggling Americans overcome financial hardship. Here’s an overview of several of its most important components that relate to individuals:
Created by the National Committee on Pay Equity (NCPE) in 1996, Equal Pay Day highlights the gap between men’s and women’s wages. This gap often requires women to work longer than men for the same amount of pay. As a result, women may struggle financially or find themselves reliant on others to meet their financial goals.
It’s important for everyone, including women, to make smart financial decisions that steer them toward financial success. When women thrive financially, they may feel less financial stress leading to independence and the ability to accomplish various short and long-term goals. Here are several tips for empowering women in order to make better financial decisions for yourself: